Restoration and Extension
There is a provision of restoring the status of work permit and to extend the work permit. For extension of work permit the applicant has to apply to extend it or change the conditions on itat least 30 days prior to the expiry of the current work permit else the candidate loses his status and he has to restore his status in Canada.
Eligibility Criteria
- Apply for restoration within 90 days of losing the status of work permit. If the number of days exceeds the limit, the applicant has to leave Canada and re-apply for the work permit from outside Canada.
- He needs to meet the eligibility criteria for applying for the work permit.
- He needs to fulfill all the conditions and requirements of his stay in Canada as well as the conditions that were listed on his permit before expiry.
- The application is submitted and the applicant needs to wait for an approval or rejection.
He can stay in Canada meanwhile but is not allowed to work until the status is restored and a new work permit is issued. In case of rejection, the applicant has to leave Canada and his family members also lose their status.
Renewing your status as a student
If your study permit is about to expire, then one has to renew the status as student, which is done by extending one status as student at least 30 days before the current study permit expires by getting a new letter of acceptance from a DLI. If one has not applied to extend/renew the status as student then one has lost the status and needs to restore the status as student. The applicant has 90 days to restore and extend the status as student.